Then I became a Squidlet over on SQUIDOO. No one could have ever convinced me I'd be making SQUIDOO lenses, but at latest count I've made ten.
Hmmmm. Then someone invited me to join FACEBOOK. I thought no way, no how, but now I'm on Facebook gathering friends and joining groups.
I said in a previous blog post that I don't TWITTER. Never say never cause now I'm a TWEEP on TWITTER.
Slowly and gradually, people I like have been dragging me kicking and screaming into the 21st century. You can hunt me up on FACEBOOK or TWITTER if the mood strikes. And I'd really be thrilled if you'd leave comments in the guestbooks on my lenses on SQUIDOO. I'm not a very accomplished lensmaster but my heart is in each Squidoo lens I make. The topics vary:
- is about my grandparents and their life as documented in My Name is Esther Clara.
- is written from Beck's point of view. Beck is the main character in The Alley of Wishes.
- is a testament to my long time friends. (This one is mentioned above as part of a contest to commemorate International Friendship Month.)
- is just what the title implies.
- features photos and prose about the years I lived in the Kentucky mountains.
- tells about my writing experience from first book to last.
- features personal experience with and concerns about the homeless population.
OK enough of blowing my own horn. I'm not sure if blogging, squidooing, facebooking, and twittering has helped enhance my reputation as a person or a writer, but they've been interesting and new experiences.